The Most Popular Shopify Apps in 2024 Find 6,236 Shopify Apps
Rank App Logo App Name Desc Reviews Stars Plan
61 Abandoned Cart Messenger Abandoned Cart Recovery using Facebook Messenger 1,589 4.8 14-day free trial
62 Photo Resize Automatically resizes and replaces all your product photos 1,579 4.7 Free plan available
63 Rivyo Product Reviews Product Reviews, Photo Reviews, Amazon Aliexpress Import, Q&A 1,560 4.9 Free plan available
64 G | translate Translate shop, translate apps w/ Google language translation 1,554 4.8 Free plan available
65 Bold Upsell ‑ True upsells! Sell more with upsells and cross-sells 1,534 4.7 14-day free trial
66 Bold Subscriptions #1 Ranked Subscription Box, Recurring Orders & Payments App 1,517 4.8 60-day free trial
67 Smart Push Marketing ‑ WebPush Recapture abandoned carts & lost sales with push notification 1,494 4.7 Free
68 Referral Candy Automate referrals and affiliate marketing with word-of-mouth 1,493 4.8 30-day free trial
69 Booster: Discounted Upsells Upsells = More Sales. Top Rated. Discounted Upsells since 2016 1,485 4.3 7-day free trial
70 LimeSpot Personalizer Website Personalization, Recommendations, Upsell & Cross-sell 1,479 4.8 15-day free trial
71 Product Reviews The simplest way to share your customers' experiences. 1,477 3.7 Free
72 Sales Notification | Sales Pop Boost Sales with Sales Notification, Cart Notification & more 1,462 4.9 Free plan available
73 Instant Traffic & Ads Drive FREE Traffic to your store with Traffic Exchange 1,451 4.4 Free plan available
74 Free Trust Badge Payment trust badges for sales conversion and social proof 1,447 4.8 Free plan available
75 Wishlist Plus Customers who favorite items spend more 1,440 4.8 Free plan available
76 Mailchimp Forms by Mailmunch Grow your Mailchimp list with exit intent popups and coupons 1,419 4.3 Free plan available
77 Loyalty Program, Wishlist, UGC Loyalty program rewards, referral, product reviews, gift cards 1,413 4.9 14-day free trial
78 Kit Run better Facebook ads 1,376 4.3 Free to install
79 Affiliate Marketing Goaffpro Goaffpro - Professional affiliate marketing app (FREE) 1,375 4.8 Free plan available
80 Postscript SMS Marketing Create, launch, and manage your SMS Text marketing program 1,369 5.0 Free plan available
81 Bulk Product Edit & CSV import Bulk edit thousands of products, CSV & Excel import bulk edit 1,360 4.7 Free plan available
the Most Popular Shopify Apps in 2024
Find 6,236 Shopify Apps
Reviews: 1,589
Stars : 4.8
Plan : 14-day free trial
Abandoned Cart Recovery using Facebook Messenger

Reviews: 1,579
Stars : 4.7
Plan : Free plan available
Automatically resizes and replaces all your product photos

Reviews: 1,560
Stars : 4.9
Plan : Free plan available
Product Reviews, Photo Reviews, Amazon Aliexpress Import, Q&A

Reviews: 1,554
Stars : 4.8
Plan : Free plan available
Translate shop, translate apps w/ Google language translation

Reviews: 1,534
Stars : 4.7
Plan : 14-day free trial
Sell more with upsells and cross-sells

Reviews: 1,517
Stars : 4.8
Plan : 60-day free trial
#1 Ranked Subscription Box, Recurring Orders & Payments App

Reviews: 1,494
Stars : 4.7
Plan : Free
Recapture abandoned carts & lost sales with push notification

Reviews: 1,493
Stars : 4.8
Plan : 30-day free trial
Automate referrals and affiliate marketing with word-of-mouth

Reviews: 1,485
Stars : 4.3
Plan : 7-day free trial
Upsells = More Sales. Top Rated. Discounted Upsells since 2016

Reviews: 1,479
Stars : 4.8
Plan : 15-day free trial
Website Personalization, Recommendations, Upsell & Cross-sell

Reviews: 1,477
Stars : 3.7
Plan : Free
The simplest way to share your customers' experiences.

Reviews: 1,462
Stars : 4.9
Plan : Free plan available
Boost Sales with Sales Notification, Cart Notification & more

Reviews: 1,451
Stars : 4.4
Plan : Free plan available
Drive FREE Traffic to your store with Traffic Exchange

Reviews: 1,447
Stars : 4.8
Plan : Free plan available
Payment trust badges for sales conversion and social proof

Reviews: 1,440
Stars : 4.8
Plan : Free plan available
Customers who favorite items spend more

Reviews: 1,419
Stars : 4.3
Plan : Free plan available
Grow your Mailchimp list with exit intent popups and coupons

Reviews: 1,413
Stars : 4.9
Plan : 14-day free trial
Loyalty program rewards, referral, product reviews, gift cards

Reviews: 1,376
Stars : 4.3
Plan : Free to install
Run better Facebook ads

Reviews: 1,375
Stars : 4.8
Plan : Free plan available
Goaffpro - Professional affiliate marketing app (FREE)

Reviews: 1,369
Stars : 5.0
Plan : Free plan available
Create, launch, and manage your SMS Text marketing program

Reviews: 1,360
Stars : 4.7
Plan : Free plan available
Bulk edit thousands of products, CSV & Excel import bulk edit

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