The Most Popular Shopify Apps in 2024 Find 6,236 Shopify Apps
Rank App Logo App Name Desc Reviews Stars Plan
1 Privy ‑ Pop Ups, Email, & SMS Email Marketing, Exit Popup, Free Shipping Bar, Abandoned Cart 24,595 4.6 Free plan available
2 Free Shipping Bar Free shipping bar with updated cart goal to boost order value 10,346 4.9 Free plan available
3 BEST Currency Converter Show prices in customers local currency. Make shopping easy. 7,766 4.8 Free plan available
4 Loox Product Reviews & Photos Product Reviews App - Photo Reviews, Ratings, Referrals & UGC 7,279 4.9 14-day free trial
5 Ultimate Sales Boost Boost sales with urgency, countdown timer, trust badges, BOGO 7,058 4.8 Free plan available
6 POP! Sales Pop & Social Proof Sales Pop Up & Recent Sales Popup for Social Proof 6,934 4.7 Free plan available
7 Ali Reviews ‑ Product Reviews Collect & showcase UGC, ratings, photo reviews via Emails, SMS 6,733 4.9 7-day free trial
8 Product Reviews Product reviews with free photos & videos for social proof 5,525 5.0 Free plan available
9 Recart FB Messenger Marketing Two-tap popup, Best-In-Class Automations, Re-engagement Flows 5,493 4.8 Free plan available
10 Sales Pop Master ‑ Countdown Sales Pop, Sales Pop Up, Notification, Countdown Timer-Stock 5,448 4.7 Free plan available
11 PageFly Landing Page Builder Build High-converting Landing, Product Page to Boost Sales 5,448 4.9 Free plan available
12 SEO Image Optimizer ‑ Auto SEO Google SEO on Autopilot. The premier SEO app 5,434 4.8 Free plan available
13 Product Reviews UGC Collect and showcase reviews to build trust and boost sales 5,304 4.9 Free plan available
14 Google channel Reach shoppers and get discovered across Google. 5,224 4.5 Free to install
15 MLV: Auto Currency Switcher Currency Converter to Checkout in Multi Currency 5,201 4.8 Free plan available
16 Quick Announcement Bar Promote sales on customizable notification bar, increase sales 5,107 4.9 Free plan available
17 Smile: Rewards & Loyalty Points & referrals. Attract & retain your most loyal customers 3,995 4.8 Free plan available
18 Omnisend Email Marketing & SMS Sell More with Email & SMS Marketing Automation 3,926 4.7 Free to install
19 Free Traffic & Ads by Varinode Free Ad exchange to help you acquire high quality traffic 3,840 4.6 Free
20 DSers‑AliExpress Dropshipping Place 100s of orders to AliExpress in seconds & Find suppliers 3,807 5.0 Free plan available
21 Fera Product Reviews App Beautiful product reviews, photo reviews & video reviews 3,578 4.9 Free plan available
the Most Popular Shopify Apps in 2024
Find 6,236 Shopify Apps
Reviews: 24,595
Stars : 4.6
Plan : Free plan available
Email Marketing, Exit Popup, Free Shipping Bar, Abandoned Cart

Reviews: 10,346
Stars : 4.9
Plan : Free plan available
Free shipping bar with updated cart goal to boost order value

Reviews: 7,766
Stars : 4.8
Plan : Free plan available
Show prices in customers local currency. Make shopping easy.

Reviews: 7,279
Stars : 4.9
Plan : 14-day free trial
Product Reviews App - Photo Reviews, Ratings, Referrals & UGC

Reviews: 7,058
Stars : 4.8
Plan : Free plan available
Boost sales with urgency, countdown timer, trust badges, BOGO

Reviews: 6,934
Stars : 4.7
Plan : Free plan available
Sales Pop Up & Recent Sales Popup for Social Proof

Reviews: 6,733
Stars : 4.9
Plan : 7-day free trial
Collect & showcase UGC, ratings, photo reviews via Emails, SMS

Reviews: 5,525
Stars : 5.0
Plan : Free plan available
Product reviews with free photos & videos for social proof

Reviews: 5,493
Stars : 4.8
Plan : Free plan available
Two-tap popup, Best-In-Class Automations, Re-engagement Flows

Reviews: 5,448
Stars : 4.7
Plan : Free plan available
Sales Pop, Sales Pop Up, Notification, Countdown Timer-Stock

Reviews: 5,448
Stars : 4.9
Plan : Free plan available
Build High-converting Landing, Product Page to Boost Sales

Reviews: 5,434
Stars : 4.8
Plan : Free plan available
Google SEO on Autopilot. The premier SEO app

Reviews: 5,304
Stars : 4.9
Plan : Free plan available
Collect and showcase reviews to build trust and boost sales

Reviews: 5,224
Stars : 4.5
Plan : Free to install
Reach shoppers and get discovered across Google.

Reviews: 5,201
Stars : 4.8
Plan : Free plan available
Currency Converter to Checkout in Multi Currency

Reviews: 5,107
Stars : 4.9
Plan : Free plan available
Promote sales on customizable notification bar, increase sales

Reviews: 3,995
Stars : 4.8
Plan : Free plan available
Points & referrals. Attract & retain your most loyal customers

Reviews: 3,926
Stars : 4.7
Plan : Free to install
Sell More with Email & SMS Marketing Automation

Reviews: 3,840
Stars : 4.6
Plan : Free
Free Ad exchange to help you acquire high quality traffic

Reviews: 3,807
Stars : 5.0
Plan : Free plan available
Place 100s of orders to AliExpress in seconds & Find suppliers

Reviews: 3,578
Stars : 4.9
Plan : Free plan available
Beautiful product reviews, photo reviews & video reviews

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